For sellers: The Entrepreneur Page
What to Expect as a Seller / Entrepreneur?
At the beginning of every month we will analyze the sales of all our Entrepreurs. We then calculate the Grant allocation. To do this we use a "quadratic formula" that takes as input sales volume, sales value, the available grant pool, and some other parameters. At the end of it we distribute the grants via airdrop to all qualified Entrepreneurs.
The parameters we are using will be changing until we find a good stable formula. In our first Proof of Concept we are planning to use these parameters:
Max grant multiplier: 10x of sales (so if your revenue was G$1,000 then the grant could not be more than G$10,000)
Max grant value per Entrepreneur: USD$100 per month
Quadratic factor: 2 (where 1 means proportional to sales value and high numbers means proportional to the count of unique buyers)
Eligible purchases: All whitelisted wallets, except seller's accounts (because grants shouldn't be circular)
Ineligible purchases: Smart contracts, non-whitelisted accounts, seller's accounts
Placeholder page for entrepreneurs who are curious about the program. Please feel free to volunteer if you are interested in making this page.
Suggested content include
explaining the eligibility criteria
explaining the signup process in detail
explaining in simple terms how the quadratic formulas and airdrops work
explain in detail how to get a BrightID and briefly why it's important
what to expect once you have signed up
business as usual for you, the more you sell the more you get
you might get vetoed and voted out from the program if you are not complying or if we get community complaints
the money will keep coming but less and less if there are no more donations or if there are a lot of new entrepreneurs competing for the same grant, and more and more if we get more donations
we might decide to add re-application process or max eligibility (e.g. one year)
How to volunteer to build this page? It's easy. Just join the marketing telegram channel and introduce yourself.